
Crochet and freezer cooking update

So I haven't accomplished much, but wanted to post an update...
I don't think I like freezer cooking... The meats disintegrated beyond recognition for 2 of the recipes, 1 recipe didn't care for and 1 recipe I didn't care for... plus the 2 that didn't work took just as long if not longer than a normal meal prep would have taken to fix, so it didn't save me time and the 2 that worked would only take about 20 mins prep in the morning... Therefore I don't see how this method saved me any time... :-(

As for crochet, I have the pattern for sale and haven't had a chance to do much else... I am trying to design a versatile finger less mitt pattern to match the scarf but haven't been able to do yet... then I want to design a cover for my tablet and that,s not going so well yet... Finally I want to design a shawl that has an inlaid cross design, and haven't had a chance to start it either...  but at least the ideas are there!

So far that is all that I have for an update...

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles." Isaiah 40:31

Book from 'Grandpa-doodle'

O got out his book & laid down while listening to it

Freezer Cooking?

So I am trying the idea of freezer cooking... I spent about an hour and now have 6 meals in my freezer that all I have to do is thaw the night before and cook the day of, and these 6 are all crock pot meals! I will take another hour or so tomorrow and make up more (at least another 8-10) which will give me 14-16, but there will be 7-8 different meals as each meal type is 2 different evenings... I'm excited to see how it turns out! I'll let you know after I have tried some of them...

I finally did it!

So I have been crocheting for several years, but really picked it back up and learned the most in the last 2 years... Greg has been watching me and listening to me talk about it (even though he could care less) and finally asked me the one day "Why don't you sell your patterns?" I told him that I didn't have any patterns since all I do is alter patterns to meet my needs... So there was a lot of back and forth on it and finally he understood why i couldn't sell what I had altered slightly for fit or something... Then I made a blanket for a friend's baby shower that was a MAJOR change from the original design... Greg told me to sell that pattern and I continued to fight him on it... Finally, I had several people explain to me how it was my own design, so I have that pattern being tested for clarity/errors... Then I designed a scarf, using some other patterns as reference, but my own design... I am happy to tell you that the pattern for that scarf was tested by two lovely ladies and is now finally ready for sale!!! X's Keyhole Scarf is now available to buy for $2.50, as a Ravelry download... As of right now, you have to be a member of Ravelry (free to join) to purchase this pattern, but I am working on figuring out how to make it available to anyone... (Edited to add, I think the buy now button will allow you to purchase without joining Ravelry) So here is my scarf from the X's Keyhole Scarf pattern:

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

 I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Some goals

I have decided to make some goals for this blog and try to stick to them... I don't really do resolutions (which is one reason this was not posted on the 1st), so this is just some thoughts/plans...

I want to make 2 small projects each week, and have them posted no later than a week after I make them... If I don't do 2 mall projects because I am doing larger projects, I want to post progress pictures...

I also want to try to post at least twice a week... It can be about anything, but cannot include pictures from the cell phone- those are just because I want to share cute pictures of my family...

Anyway, these are what I would like to do, but I'm not guaranteeing anything :)

“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.” Titus 2:11-12

Some overdue Crochet projects (Christmas gifts)

So I am long overdue on some of these projects, but since they were Christmas gifts it's ok that I waited to post them hehe

Nordstrom-Style Hobo Bag for Jas

XOXO Cross Blanket for O (my design, being tested for sale)

XOXO Cross Blanket for S (same design as above)

Longhorn Afghan for Robin and her Husband

A few things that I have made that weren't Christmas gifts

A Bible Bag for my "travel-size" Bible

A random scarf I made

And a scarf that I designed because the above was too simple for me... (being tested for sale, should be available next week)

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12