Wish me luck... here are the items that I have completed to date: One of the first things I finished this year was mine and Greg's scrapghan:
I made myself another Hook Case... If you are looking for the pattern I got it on Ravelry (here), but I altered it quite a bit so here is my project page with a few notes... I love this one, and have many compliments on it:
I made a total of 5 sets of Fingerless Gloves (Brie commissioned me to make 4, and I wanted a pair) So here is one of the commissioned and then my pair:
Then I tested a pattern for this hat (uber cute, too bad I have a boy not a girl hehe)
I tried my hand in Tapestry crochet to make this square, that I sent to a friend to add to her blanket (It's a prayer square- I pray while crocheting, she assembles with other squares to be able to wrap herself in love and prayers)
The next 2 squares are also prayer squares sent to Gigi and Lisa:
Then I tested for a Tapestry style hat (I think I want to try it again w/ different colors that will show better) These will go to my local Catholic Charities:
Next I made 4 more prayer squares to send to Cindy so she can assemble for her sick nephew:
Finally I finished a fringe blanket photo prop for Greg to use in his photography:
This has all been done this year... I have also been working on some more blankets which I will get a collage of the squares made so far and will post them during next weeks post... And once I start posting again regularly, I won't have as many to post each week hehe