I am a stay at home mama... Sometimes I have a lot to say and this seems like the perfect place to get it all out, other times I just want to show off my crochet work and well why not do that here also? So I'll write what I feel like writing and display what I want to show off and no more...
No details, and don't know what to say...
Matthew 9:11-13: When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Greg's Birthday Dessert means finding our new favorite frosting!
My Crockpot Italian Sausage
So Wed night I need to have an easy Italian Sausage sandwich, that doesn't require a stove... My first thought was a crock pot with some peppers and a little broth, but of course I don't have peppers in my house :( So I went online to look up recipes and most of them required peppers and some even had onions (which sadly I do not cook with hehe)... Then I found one that uses spaghetti sauce and tomato paste and tomato sauce, but I used the last of my spaghetti sauce 2 nights ago- shoot! So I went into my kitchen and came up with this concoction:
8 Italian Sausages (I plan for left-overs for lunch the next day)
1 can tomato paste
1 can tomato sauce
1 can diced tomatoes with chilies
1 can diced tomatoes
approx (I didn't measure this at all) 3-4 cups Chicken broth (would have used beef if my chicken broth didn't need used up right away)
1. simmer sausages in some water (not enough to cover, but enough that it could boil- in fact I accidentally boiled mine for a minute) for about 7 mins (long enough for me to fiddle with figuring out what I wanted to put in the crockpot and put it in)
2. mix together in crock pot the rest of the ingredients
3. add in sausages and make sure they are coated
4. cook on low 4-6 hours, my crock pot seems to cook hotter than most so I will cook mine on low for about 4 hours
5. Serve on Hot dog or Hoagie buns
I'm thinking (and thought while I was adding it) that I added too much broth... so you really can't use the mixture as a "sauce" on your sandwiches, so maybe a little less broth would be better... I didn't take pictures, but the family seemed to like it! Will definitely try again :-)