
Knit, crochet and life

So what do I have going on almost half way through the first month of the year?
There isn't much going in life... Getting some laughs with my family (O usually has us in stitches), trying to keep my blood pressure regulated as much as I can (don't seem to be doing so well with that) and keeping on... I'm loving the 3 crockpot system I got for Christmas, I can make 3 nights of food at once and freeze them in proportions for one meal! Seems to be the perfect answer for when I need an easy meal, but don't want to sacrifice the nutrition (or have frozen pizza too often)...
I have been doing great at keeping up with my daily bible reading, and that makes me ecstatic! The devotional is behind some times but it's easy to get back on track and I do, so that is great...

On the hooks: I've made 3 dishcloths this month... I just finished an owl bonnet pattern test (although I need to disassemble it and resemble it)... I'm starting a dragonfly pattern test for the same designer...
I need to get a pattern tested wrote and posted (free scarf pattern) and I need to get another one that has been tested up (shawl pattern to sell)... Have a dishcloth pattern that I will need to write and possibly test by Aug...

On the needles: I have made a knit dishcloth (plus I learned some basic cable knitting by making a dishcloth at the end of last month), and working on a couple more... One is a mystery knit a long that will take the whole month, it seems like fun... It's hosted by The Domestic Dash, here is this month's "Riddle Me This" dishcloth...
I still have my personal shawl that I'm trying to finish, but it is my filler project and right now I have too many other things... I also want to design a knit dishcloth that will need finished and tested by Aug if I can (this will be a little harder as I am still learning almost everything about knitting)

As new things progress I'll share :-) 

I want to share my bible verse for the year with you... It is a great reminder to hear often :-)
Hebrews 13:5-6 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with what you have. For He Himself has said "I will never leave you nor forsake you." So we may boldly say "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?"

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